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Max Büchner

CEO Speer Group


Speer Group offers a solution to the succession problem in Germany.  

"We invest in companies and the people behind them, preserve values and traditions and promote the regional economy"

As an investor, my focus is on helping solid companies grow and succeed, not extracting every last Euro. I achieve this by combining the expertise of banks and funds with access to a vast and well-connected international network.

We invite co-investors to join us in the success stories of Germany's "hidden-champions" by investing together in strong, medium-sized companies.

Private Equity Dealteam

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Dr. Jochen Vogel


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Håkon Aasterud

Private Equity

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Maximilian Quast

Associate Consultant

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Nataliya Izvolskaya

UX/UI Design

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Yannick Müller

Group Auditor ETL

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⁠Christian Lämmle

Tax Consultant ETL

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Eva Lehle

Lawyer ETL

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Updated Soon

Sandra Albert

Executive Assistant

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Academic track record

A selection of companies for which our advisors have advised